Yunnan dilemma of Chinas tricycle industry

  As an important market weathervane in Southwest China, Yunnan did not show a stable development momentum in 2015. The sales volume of the main product oil 3 fell seriously due to the change of consumer demand; Moreover, due to the disorder of order and numerous miscellaneous brands, the market competition situation did not move in a good direction. Instead, it stood still in the fierce price war, and the overall development fell into a downturn and faced severe challenges.


  There are many reasons for the dilemma, but the key point is that the Yunnan market is still in a price sensitive period. The excessive pursuit of low-priced products leads businesses and consumers to ignore the importance of quality and brand, which contributes to the unhealthy trend in the market. The popularity of miscellaneous assembly vehicles destroys the formal order of the market to a great extent, impacts on the due rights and interests of brand enterprises, and finally affects the overall development of the market.

  Although some businesses have lowered their stature and launched a point-to-point "close fight" with non brand troublemakers in order to win back market trust and user support through the excellent quality of products at the same price, in the long run, it will have a great impact on the interests of manufacturers. Although many people firmly believe that the market reshuffle in Yunnan is imminent, and the market opportunities and development prospects of brand enterprises are still promising, it is difficult to sweep away the miscellaneous cars that are good at "guerrilla warfare". Therefore, to solve the dilemma, we should not go with the tide, but take the initiative.


 The dilemma is not terrible. The terrible thing is that enterprises do not want to make progress, businesses cover their eyes with one leaf, and users drift with the tide. China's tricycle industry has entered a new normal development period, and many links need to be viewed and understood with new eyes and thinking. Although the market situation is slightly severe, we always believe that the next spring of industrial development is coming, and the consumer market represented by Yunnan will eventually get out of the downturn and move towards success!

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