The United States will introduce electric tricycles

  In Asia, "Tuktuk"  one of the three wheeled disabled motorcycles common in the old urban area of Guangzhou) is one of the most popular means of transportation. Whether it is less developed Cambodia and New Delhi, or prosperous Beijing and Guangzhou in China, you can see "sudden" figures everywhere. Although "Tu Tu" is banned from the road in many Chinese cities, Americans seem to see its vitality.


  Recently, a Dutch "Tutu" manufacturer signed an agreement with Denver electric "Tutu" company in the United States to produce and sell electric "Tutu" in the United States in the future. In fact, this is not the first time that the United States has given the green light to "Tu Tu". As early as 2008, the United States established the "North American sudden Association" and approved the "sudden" products of motorcycle specifications under limited conditions the following year.


  At present, the company called "e-tuk Denver" has launched an "on call shuttle service" in the central city of Denver, which has been approved by the Colorado public facilities Commission. In fact, this service also includes car sharing, such as "Uber", LYFT and other types of services are allowed, as well as tricycle and golf cart rental services. It is reported that the company has negotiated with the local taxi and shuttle bus companies and is discussing various matters after the "sudden" entry into the market.

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