Domestic auto enterprises may introduce repurchase plan

Domestic auto enterprises may introduce repurchase plan

  Compared with the relatively perfect used car evaluation system in the fuel vehicle market, new energy vehicles are still new things. In the evaluation process of a used new energy vehicle, except for the inspection items that are the same as those of the fuel vehicle, such as vehicle appearance, shock absorber system, vehicle service life and driving mileage, the inspection of the power system is completely different from that of the fuel vehicle. The power system of new energy vehicles is mainly battery and motor system, rather than traditional engine. Therefore, used car appraisers need to check the power system, but at present, no third-party organization can test the system. In addition, the batteries of new energy vehicles will decay during use, and the used car appraisers can not give an accurate judgment on the battery attenuation.


  As early as last year, Tesla announced the launch of hedging repurchase service in China - three years after car owner loan purchase, if the car owner has repurchase demand, Tesla will buy back the car owner model s at about 50% of the purchase price after conditional review. This service was previously launched in North America and Europe, and China's hedging commitment will also continue the overseas service policy.


  However, it is reported that the repurchase plan has been cancelled all over the world. As of press time, the reporter of Beijing Business Daily has not received a reply from Tesla to cancel the hedging repurchase service in the Chinese market. On Tesla's official website and model s page, the reporter also failed to access the significant logo indicating the status of hedging repurchase service in the Chinese market.


  In this regard, Cui Dongshu, Secretary General of the national passenger car Federation, said that the repurchase service plan implemented by Tesla belongs to the promotion policy in a special period. The purpose is more to break the psychological barriers for new brands to enter the market and stimulate sales. The promotion of new energy vehicles is still in its infancy. According to the time law of second-hand vehicles, it is only five or six years after the ownership of new energy vehicle market reaches a certain scale that new energy second-hand vehicles are expected to usher in real marketization.

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