Take mass as axis

Take mass as axis

  Consciousness creates quality


  Quality awareness is an enterprise's understanding and understanding of quality and quality work from the leadership and decision-making level to every employee, which plays an extremely important role in influencing and restricting quality behavior. From the very beginning, the third round of the Universiade was united and determined to build a team with a strong sense of quality. Because the role of consciousness in the formation of product quality is self-evident. Poor quality consciousness is the root cause of poor work quality. Poor psychological state may cause errors and quality accidents, but it is accidental after all. If the quality ability is weak, the work quality will certainly not be good, but if the ability is weak, it can be improved through learning and training. Product quality has not improved for a long time, and work quality often makes mistakes. When investigated, the quality consciousness is often investigated. Quality awareness can often measure the quality of an employee's work and the effectiveness of an organization's quality management

  Take mass as axis

  Management determines quality


  1. It is an important guarantee for enterprises to make profits. The authoritative Gallup poll in the United States shows that most users are willing to spend more money as long as they are satisfied with the product quality. They are willing to spend twice as much for a pair of high-quality shoes with better quality than ordinary shoes. In this sense, quality = profit, that is, only when the product quality is good and customers are satisfied, can there be profits for the enterprise. Tricycles have always been manufactured by manual welding. In this production mode, the consistency of product quality is difficult to control. The unavoidable problems of welding technology, such as welding slag and welding overlap, have become the top quality priority to be solved in the third round of Universiade. Solving the problem of welding appearance determines whether the Universiade tricycle can make great achievements in the tricycle market. Universiade started with equipment innovation and introduced a number of advanced welding equipment such as manipulator. 

Take mass as axis

  2. Quality is the key for enterprises to win in competition. The following example shows that product quality is the key to winning the competition. In 1979, Sony Corporation of Japan found that there was something wrong with the color TV set made by Sony American factory. Customers often complained that the color concentration and balance of the TV were worse than that of the original Japanese TV. Later, after Sony's in-depth research, all parts of American TV manufacturers meet the design tolerance requirements. The only difference is that the distribution of dimensional errors is different: the error distribution of American manufacturers is uniform, while that of Japanese manufacturers is normal. From a statistical point of view, the standard deviation ratio of uniform distribution and normal distribution is 1.73 times, that is, the individual differences of products are relatively large, so the quality is poor. In other words, the industrial competitiveness of the United States and Japan is 1.73 times worse in terms of the basic concept of product management. Because of the 1.73 times gap, the throne of home appliances, automobiles, steel, semiconductors and textiles in the United States is handed over to Japan one by one.

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