The rise of Southwest tricycle Market

The rise of Southwest tricycle Market

  Rising is a ceremony to bid farewell to the past. Five years ago, with the emergence of Dayang brand, the southwest market ushered in the first golden period of sales growth. At that time, enterprises set off a large row of heavy load in the market by relying on solid and stable manufacturing technology and surging power output, which lasted for a long time to meet the needs of most consumer groups. At the same time, they named the word heavy load in Chongqing enterprises, which has become a loud slogan throughout the southern market.


  Rising is also an expectation to meet the new life. The downward trend of the industry, which has gradually spread since last year, has dealt a heavy blow to the already limited market capacity of the southwest market. More importantly, enterprises accustomed to walking on one leg can not get out of it in time, and some even linger among them at a loss. The industrial environment and development trend under the new normal situation are about to usher in major changes, and the southwest market will bear the brunt. How enterprises correctly understand and treat this new normal and whether the southwest market can get out of the current weak situation will be the new life we eagerly look forward to in the future.

The rise of Southwest tricycle Market

  Rising is a wonderful and fierce duel. The golden logistics radius, which has plagued and shackled enterprises for a long time, disintegrated under the strategic adjustment of the national network layout, and more brands and resources selectively poured into the hot regional market. At the same time, it also had fierce competition with the inherent leaders of the market. The southwest market is a good example. With the large-scale entry of coastal brands, the selective counterattack of local enterprises and the situation of fighting for every inch of land, there will be a colorful play. As for who can laugh last and best, we can only wait and see.


  The rise of Southwest China is not only the return of confidence in a regional market, but also an epitome of the general trend of integration and connection of the whole Chinese tricycle industry. The once clear-cut barriers collapsed overnight, and enterprises accepted and embraced broader platform resources with a more active and open attitude, which is of great symbolic significance for China's tricycle industry to achieve greater development goals in the future.

Previous One : The era of electric tricycle 2.0 is coming

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